Divisions (Virginia)
Seniors Division
- Nancy Yeager, President
- Phone: (703) 283-2524
- E-mail: NFBVseniors@gmail.com
Virginia Association of Blind Merchants
- Harold Wilson
- 1405 Roundhouse Ln, Unit 504
- Alexandria, VA 22314
- Cell: (410) 404-5255
- E-mail: haroldwilson02@gmail.com
Virginia Association of Blind Students
- Robert Parsons, President
- Phone: (804) 200-3275
- E-mail: rob.parso3389@gmail.com
The Virginia Association of Guide Dog Users
- Michael Valentino, President
- phone: (804) 513-6261
- e-mail: valentinoma19@gmail.com
Virginia Association to Promote the Use of Braille
- Patty Droppers, President
- Daytime Phone: (703) 981-3363
- Evening Phone: (571) 527-0707
- e-mail: patty@thedroppers.com
Virginia Organization of Parents of Blind Children
- Laurie Wages, President
- Phone: (540) 287-5446
- E-mail: Lburns24@yahoo.com
Virginians With Dual Sensory Impairments (Deaf-Blind)
- Valerie Luther
- 8612 Peach Grove Road
- Richmond, VA 23237
- Home: (804) 271-8285
- E-mail: valuther@vcu.edu